Temple Shalom Preschool (TSP) opened its doors to the public on August 24, 1989; ever since we have been recognized as the premiere preschool in the area. Our quality curriculum has been developed to challenge and inspire young minds within a warm, caring, secure, and nurturing environment. Curriculum includes well-developed materials from article critique writers and quality advice from https://best-writing-service.com/article-critique-writing/ to help you develop and work on homework for a good grade. Our outstanding facilities and unsurpassed reputation contribute to your child’s success. In addition to offering students the fundamentals of early childhood education, TSP provides a variety of special enrichment courses to enhance curiosity beyond academics. Students partaking in the TSP Experience adapt a genuine love of learning, creating a constructive path from which they are able to progress successfully. We strive to promote confidence, self-esteem, and appropriate social skills, essential components to becoming individual creators, innovative thinkers, and continuous learners. TSP is a non-denominational institution welcoming families of all faiths, cultures, and beliefs.
The TSP Experience is comprised of various age appropriate programs:
Mommy, Me, and Beyond-
Birth to 2 years old. Mommy, Daddy, Grandparent and/or caretaker are invited to attend this course along with baby. Miss Jane provides an age appropriate child-development program comprised of music, dance, craft, movement and books, stimulating and tantalizing even the youngest of participants. Friendships for both child and adult develop and childcare issues are addressed. Often long-term connections between individuals result during this significant stage of development. The TSP Experience begins here.
Li’l Cubs -
Those turning 2 years of age after the academic year has begun are invited to join this program on a rolling admission basis. Here, children begin to learn to separate from their primary caretaker. Teachers are specifically trained to address separation issues and apply essential tools needed to allow little ones to detach and become independent, trusting individuals. Routine and structure is provided within the classroom setting. Children are introduced to cooperative play, following directions, and developing listening skills. A warm, loving environment provides security and support.
Cubs -
Students begin the Cubs program at age 2. The curriculum is centered on sharing, manners, making good choices, and awareness of other’s feelings. Colors, numbers and shapes are explored. Children learn to count and recite their ABCs. Letter and name recognition begin. Development of language, listening to stories, learning rules and classroom rituals and participation in group activities comprise the basis of learning. Transitioning from one activity to another, cultivating a sense of routine, and potty training are goals that are encouraged. Students are developing their small motor skills and are encouraged to build, paint and color; play with small manipulative toys and discover play dough and puzzles. Through various group activities, students learn sharing, cooperation and team work. At this stage youngsters thrive on schedules, discipline and structure and enjoy partaking in circle time, calendar, and weather on a regular basis.
Lions -
Our three year old program concentrates on developing both fine and large motor skills, social awareness, and literacy and mathematical skills. Children are beginning to write their names, draw pictures, recognize letters and numbers, count and sequence. Work is done in developing the Pincer grip and cutting with scissors. Students partake in dramatic/pretend play and language aptitudes are cultivated; rhyming, opposites, recitation. In math children learn to count, sort, sequence and pattern. Social skills are developed. Cooperative learning, taking turns and team work are concepts that are emphasized at this stage. Children at this level are taught the basics of independent self-care: hand washing, toileting, eating.
Pre- K -
With a sturdy foundation established in previous years, our Pre-K students are now able to concentrate on Kindergarten readiness. Self-expression, recall, problem solving and self-awareness are developed. Reading readiness is emphasized. Upper and lower case lettering, phonics, one to one correspondence and handwriting are studied. Children begin journaling; first drawing pictures, next telling their story, and eventually writing the words. Word recognition begins through sight word vocabulary; story comprehension through literature. Math skills are being developed. Children are learning number concepts, size, computation, estimation, classifying, graphing, time and measurement. Simple addition and subtraction are explored along with spatial relationships and introduction to fractions. Verbal proficiencies are developed and vocabulary expanded. Preparing for their kindergarten experience, students advance socially, learning to negotiate, compromise, discuss and solve problems independently.
In addition to activities in the classroom, student’s education is further enhanced through the following special enrichment classes offered on a weekly basis.
Music –
Miss Jane is our “Mary Poppins” leading the children in song and dance, introducing them to musical instruments, rhythm, beat and tempo, and guiding them in performances appropriate for the holidays and special occasions.
Art Studio–
Initiated in 2010. Our Miss Linda is a believer in allowing the children to express their artistic sense with guidance but without interference. Our little artists are encouraged to create unique masterpieces using a wide variety of materials, methods, processes and techniques. Fine motor coordination is achieved through drawing, painting, gluing and cutting. Each spring completed works of art are displayed at our annual art auction, presenting a culmination of these young artistes’ achievements throughout the year.
Storyland –
Opened in 2008. Miss Janet is our storyteller. Her philosophy is to instill a sense of wonder through literature. Stepping into this room, children are transported to a tranquil, imaginative land of make-believe. The walls of the Storyland classroom are decorated in murals depicting familiar storybook characters. A stage allows for the children to role play, dramatize and reenact stories. Puppetry, felt boards, finger plays and dress-up wardrobes encourage students to use their imaginations and allow characters and tales to come alive. As children progress through the TSP Experience they are exposed to age appropriate classics of children’s literature, opening the gates to a love of reading.
Professor Einstein Laboratorium –
Launched in 2012, our state-of-the-art science laboratory exposes our little Einstein’s to the wonderful world of nature around them. Miss Sharon uncovers scientific phenomena from space to the depths of our oceans. Equipped with aquarium, microscopes, magnets, solar system models, medical equipment, plants and animals our unique exploratorium allows for a wide variety of experimentation, cause and effect, and discovery. Simple hands-on experiments are performed. Our young scientists are taught to observe, classify and investigate. At this young age, children are naturally curious and like sponges, absorb everything to which they are exposed. Given the opportunity to explore encourages and satisfied their innate inquisitiveness.
Tech Lab –
Our high-tech computer lab was launched in 2013. Outfitted with the latest techie apparatus, TSP students are introduced to the exciting world of computers and technology. Little ones become savvy about the operations of various types of equipment from a very young age. Encouraging hand/eye coordination in a fun setting allows young minds to connect with the ever-changing world of technology. Keeping abreast of the latest add-ons and supplements, our Miss Beth keeps pace with the cutting-edge advancements to present to her classes.
Grand Prix Race Track –
Our innovative bike track took form in 2011 and has become a favorite with TSP students. Bike riding in an exciting race path setting encourages large motor coordination, competition, skill and learning the rules of the road.
Movement –
Realizing the value of incorporating exercise into our daily lives, children are taught the importance of keeping their bodies healthy and moving and are encouraged to exert them in healthy ways. Students are taught large motor development through dance and exercise: jumping, running, skipping, galloping, marching, yoga and balancing. Introduction to sports encourages dexterity, coordination and team spirit.
Playground –
Our progressive playground equipment fosters achievements in climbing, bouncing, hopping, running, crawling, throwing and catching. TSP students expend their energy, develop coordination, and build physical endurance and strength. All children are exposed to a healthy degree of physical exercise daily.
Spanish –
Miss Janette introduces her students to basics of the language including colors, numbers, food, objects and simple phrases. Through play, art and stories cultural differences are explained, traditions valued, celebrations enjoyed and language expressed.